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Sébastien Wafflart

Chief Operating Officer

Agence eSanté Luxemboourg

Sébastien  Wafflart

Since December 1, 2019, Sébastien Wafflart has been Operational Director of Agence eSanté, Luxembourg's national agency for shared healthcare information.
Together with his teams, he organizes the implementation of projects such as the Dossier de Soins Partagé (DSP), the Carnet de Vaccination Electronique (CVE) and ePrescription. He makes sure that services respect application architectures and that these are compatible with the international standards imposed by the eSanté platform.
Before moving to Luxembourg, Sébastien Wafflart worked for over 20 years with several eHealth industry players in France, and also had the opportunity to contribute his expertise to national authorities as an independent consultant, which enabled him to acquire a real understanding of healthcare information systems.

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